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UPS Ground Shipping - HOME
Delivery time: 2-5 business days
Cost: free for orders over C$ 109; for orders less than this amount, customers will be charged C$ 10
UPS 2nd Day Air - HOME
Delivery time: 2 business days with the option of Saturday delivery
Cost: C$ 15
UPS Next Day Air Saver - HOME
Delivery time: the following business day with the option of Saturday delivery
Cost: C$ 20
Click & Collect - DELIVERY TO STORE
Delivery time: 2-5 business days
Cost: free
UPS Access Point
Delivery time: 2-5 business days
Cost: free for orders over C$ 109; for orders less than this amount, customers will be charged C$ 10
For UPS 2nd Day Air and UPS Next Day Air Saver deliveries, orders made after 11:00 am ET will only be processed the following business day.